
Light codes and keys continued…

  1. How do you pass on key codes? Are you a key code anchorer and/or carrier?

As I previously mentioned in sections 1, 2 & 3 of this series about light codes…key and light codes are sent into the etheric bodies or DNA of the planet and of humans.

Another name for codes is spells. The reason we call it a light code is to differentiate between a fear based spell and a compassionate based one.

Codes are passed around in many ways.

Sacred sites

We do not always know we are doing code work, most of the time we are oblivious to it but sometimes it is obvious when we are compelled to visit sacred sites & sometimes we have to leave a crystal, feather or some other object there.

What are sacred sites? In my novel, Little Eden, Sophie assumes that scared sites have to be well known ones…

Sophie sighed. “It seems unlikely; I mean, there are far more famous holy sites around the world than our little corner of London – Stonehenge, for example.”

“Do not be deceived by ordinary appearances!” Dr G reminded her. “Do you think important work is done in the middle of Piccadilly Circus, as you say here. You are using Western thinking again. You think busy places are important places, but they are not the places to do serious work. No, no, no, indeed! One must also have secret places, quiet places, safe places.”

There are many famous and busy sacred sites and you may be drawn to them for many reasons. You may need to help with clearing, you may need to let go of your own attachment to them or clear past lives. You may need to pick up some codes and keys from there for your own enlightenment and to pass to other people or places.

Depending on where you live in the world, sacred sites can be in the middle of nowhere or they could be in the middle of a city. You may be guarding a very important site which seems unimportant to everyone else!

Churches & Temples

Churches are usually built on sacred sites and act as a marker. One problem is that religions have plugged the original portal like putting a cork in a bottle. Their spells can lock the compassionate codes inside the portal and only when released does the source energy rise again. Many of you have been helping uncork these sites across the world. They are also linked together like a matrix across the globe and work done in one may trigger a domino effect.

Springs & Rivers

Springs, by their very nature, are portals. A river also acts as a portal – bringing and taking energy through the landscape. Large rivers which flow into the oceans can be used to send keys and codes into the Earth’s body of water. I remember putting key codes into the sea at Whitby which then circulated around the globe.

If you would like to continue reading more about sacred sites visit www.patreon.com/ktkingbooks

Love KT

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Staying in with KT King


via Staying in with KT King

come and join Linda Hill and myself as we stay in with a copy of Little Eden and some melt in the mouth batch of Mrs B’s scones! The recipe is in the back of the book along with squidgy brownies, traditional Arval Bread, ginger snap cookies and carrot cake muffins!

Lucy and Sophie will love to see you in the Daisy Place Cafe Bookshop, come join us this weekend for a thrilling, cosy and enlightening weekend staying in!

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Light and Key codes part 3

  1. Did you learn healing or Reiki?

So many people learnt Reiki or some form of energy healing prior to 2012. This was to help raise the number of people who could be used as code carriers. Their etheric bodies were encoded with the attunements which could then be harnessed later on. I call these people the ‘suitcase carriers’ because they carry the code within their etheric body until it is time to either anchor it in a certain place or pass it to someone else.

You do not have to practice your energy healing though to be used as a porter!

Going on holiday or even going to the nearest town where there is an important portal site can be enough for you to have dropped off codes or picked them up. Some of you may notice that during shifts and downloads, you visit the same people or places and not deliberately but because you just feel the need to go or it was in the diary.

Co-incidences are very common when codes are involved!

Some lucky people get to go on holiday to the most amazing places because they are dropping off or passing on codes and some people have to go into the darkest places to do their bit.

Do you use the ‘drive by’ method?

A friend of mine brought me a code this year simply by using the ‘drive by’ method. When driving around your area or on holiday you maybe doing more than you think you are!

Driving or walking can send codes into the lay lines or you might be picking some up.

Sometimes you may find that your sat nav takes you the wrong or different way or you may find for some inexplicable reason you have taken the wrong turn when you know the route like the back of your hand!

The friend who brought me a code was sent a different way to my house via Lincolnshire; she had driven to my house for 15 years and never taken that route. I had been supposed to visit my healer friend in Lincolnshire the week before but due to ill health I could not go. The guides will usually have a plan B just in case.

Another light worker friend often ends up driving around her area at random and I was once in a car that took me to Bosworth (Richard 3rd battle field) just because the sat nav went ‘wrong’ and it was about 25 miles out of our way! I had no idea we would end up there but once we arrived I realised what had happened!

Everything Little Eden

Little Eden

Everything Little Eden

Little Eden Book One


It’s New Year’s Day 2012, Little Eden, London, England. The handsome and diffident Robert Bartlett-Hart starts the new year faced with with the biggest crisis of his life.

Struggling between family loyalties old and new, Robert, with the help of his loyal friends, a couple of saints and a Lama or two, must unravel past lives, access other dimensions and open his mind to a whole new world. But, will he survive long enough to do the right thing or will the dark-forces take him down?

Whatever happens, there’ll always be plenty of tea and cake!

Little Eden is a Magic Book. Thank you for purchasing your wisdom at Daisy Place!