
21st Century Prayers Book 3

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This book of sacred prayers, which was channelled from divine Source, between 2015 and 2019, are non-denominational and are suitable for everyone, regardless of culture, creed or age. All these prayers are suitable for old souls, brand new souls and every type of soul in between. Used daily they can help to realign your consciousness and energy field to the new matrix level vibration.
When we pray it is like having an etheric shower or bath and these prayers are designed to help us shed the old sticky karma and re-connect to the new free flowing karmic pattern of the new matrix. As your chakra system changes and adapts these prayers help you to stay in balance, stay connected (even when you feel disconnected) and can be like a life belt in a storm.
Because old matrix chakras carry energy from certain religious codes, many of us find that the energy is becoming too dense as we ascend through the vibrations so these prayers help us navigate through the man-made energies and lead us back to an internal and personal connection with the divine source.
You can also find some of these prayers featured in my novel Little Eden – A Magic Book which is also available on Amazon